Hypnotherapy for anxiety
Table of Contents
Anxiety and its symptoms are simply learned reactions. As with all thoughts and behaviour, they are impossible to ‘unlearn’, in the same way as we never forget to ride a bike or swim. A normal human response to a perceived threat, anxiety is a warning system we need to ensure our survival.

Overcome your fears
In its many and varied forms, anxiety is part of daily life for many and Karen has enabled hundreds of sufferers to manage their symptoms using hypnotherapy for anxiety. Her hypnotherapy for anxiety programme is a range of techniques which have proved to be fast, effective and permanent.
If you’re typical, you may have lived for many years with worries and fears and their effects, which sometimes threaten to overwhelm and often prevent you from leading the life you want to live.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety tackles all the triggers that make you anxious
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, blushing, nervous coughing, bed-wetting, psoriasis, tinnitus, hypertension, headaches, teeth grinding and insomnia are just a few of the physical symptoms of anxiety which can be managed and controlled with hypnotherapy.
Anxiety triggers can be turned off to prevent the chain reaction leading to panic and fear.
The subconscious job is to keep you safe
The subconscious mind has one primary task in life and that is to keep you safe. If something scares you (or even embarrasses you severely) the subconscious will seek to avoid the same or similar situations. There is also some evidence of a genetic predisposition. If a family member has suffered from panic disorder, you have an increased risk of suffering from it yourself, especially during a time in your life that is particularly stressful.

Panic Disorder Symptoms
A serious condition affecting around one in five people, panic disorder often emerges during the teens or early adulthood when we typically go through significant change. We seem to be most vulnerable to it during major life transitions like changing jobs, moving house, bereavement or divorce. Often, there will be an ‘initial sensitising event’ which creates an automatic subconscious ‘fight or flight’ response. This is a prehistoric reaction to a perceived threat which prepares us to defend ourselves against a predator or run away. Unfortunately, it serves as no defence against the perceived threats to our safety in this day and age.
Panic disorder what is it?
Panic disorder is marked by recurrent, spontaneous panic attacks. A panic attack is an intense period of fear or discomfort. During the attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:
- difficulty breathing, feeling as though you ‘can’t get enough air’,
- racing heartbeat,
- terror that is almost paralysing,
- dizziness, light-headedness or nausea,
- trembling, sweating, shaking ,
- choking, chest pains,
- hot flushes, or sudden chills,
- tingling in fingers or toes (‘pins and needles’),
- fear that you’re going to go mad or are about to die.
Listen to Karen talking about anxiety on

Get Back Control
To be diagnosed as a panic attack, four or more symptoms should be present. Otherwise, the attack is described as a “limited symptom attack“. Those who experience panic attacks usually describe them as occurring “out of the blue.”
You probably recognise this as the classic ‘fight or flight’ response that human beings experience when in danger. During a panic attack, these symptoms seem to arise from out of nowhere in seemingly harmless situations. They can even happen while you are asleep.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety teaches you to control your breathing and heart rate. It enables you to relax at will, even during the onset of a panic attack, stopping it in its tracks and reducing the level of anxiety.
Who is not suitable for hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy isn’t for everyone. Those listed below may still be able to benefit from the help of a qualified and experienced professional. A skilled practitioner will evaluate whether a safe and effective treatment plan is possible for anyone in the following categories:
- People with mental health conditions like schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders that are not controlled by medication.
- People with a history of abuse or other severe trauma, as hypnosis can potentially trigger adverse reactions.
- Very young children who may not understand the process or have the vocabulary to explain their problems.
- Individuals intoxicated by drugs or alcohol, as they may not be able to respond to hypnotic strategies.
- Anyone with a history of seizures or identified as susceptible to seizures who may be at risk of an episode.
- Those with dementia or any kind of cognitive impairment who may be too confused to respond.
How many hypnotherapy sessions are needed to relieve anxiety?
There are many and varied forms of anxiety and its symptoms and there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to seeking treatment. Many anxiety sufferers have exhausted all other methods of treatment available on the NHS and in the private sector by the time they resort to hypnotherapy. They may already have a strong belief that nothing will help and it can take some work to deconstruct that mindset before change is possible.
My aim is to help everyone who sees me experience some noticeable improvement in their anxiety symptoms by the time they leave the first session. That makes it much easier for them to respond positively to work done in subsequent sessions. Within three sessions, it is usually possible to assess what else might be necessary to achieve whatever goals have been discussed.
Hypnotherapy is a collaboration between therapist and client. There are a number of variable factors influencing results including the skill of the practitioner, the expectation, motivation and goals of the client and how their relationship evolves.
There is nothing mystical about hypnotherapy. It is a toolkit of techniques and strategies to achieve neurological change and requires commitment and a desire for change to be effective.