Beat Performance Anxiety & Stage Fright MP3



Over many years of working with actors, musicians & performers, Karen Martin has developed her own, unique approach to beating performance anxiety and dealing with the problems associated with stage fright and presentation nerves.

Performance anxiety is a common issue that affects many people in various aspects of their lives. It is a feeling of nervousness, fear, and worry that arises when one is about to perform a task or activity. This anxiety can manifest in different ways, such as physical symptoms like sweating, shaking, and increased heart rate, or mental symptoms like negative self-talk and self-doubt.

This can occur in many situations, including public speaking, job interviews, sports competitions, and artistic performances. It can be debilitating and can significantly affect one’s ability to perform at their best.

One of the most effective ways to manage performance anxiety is through preparation. Being well-prepared for a task or activity increases confidence. This means practicing and rehearsing before a performance, researching and studying for a job interview, or visualizing success before a competition.

Another way to manage performance anxiety is through relaxation techniques. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and visualisation can help calm the mind and body and reduce anxiety symptoms. Additionally, regular exercise and a healthy diet can improve overall physical and mental health, which can also help manage performance anxiety.

Performance anxiety is a common issue that affects many people in various aspects of their lives. However, with proper preparation, relaxation techniques, and addressing underlying issues, it is possible to manage and overcome performance anxiety.