Hypnotherapy helps keep you regular
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a condition which induces gastrointestinal tract pain for many people. If you suffer from IBS, hypnotherapist Karen Martin provides suggestions and help with handling symptoms linked to the disorder.
Those who have IBS may experience bloating, nausea, trapped wind, acid reflux, constipation, loose bowel movements and tummy pain. Irritable bowel can contribute towards various health concerns and difficulties and can lead to depression symptoms in some sufferers. The ailment is commonplace and has a significant impact on the wellbeing of those dealing with it on a day to day basis. Signs and symptoms sometimes only appear around meal times or after eating particular foods. Some people spend their life crippled with discomfort and anxiety, putting up with pain each and every day.
The cause of irritable bowel is unknown. Generally, it is believed that an increased sensitivity in the gut causes the problems. Emotional stress and panic are some of the psychological factors thought to make IBS symptoms worse. At times the symptoms start off being moderate but anxious feelings and anticipation of them ensures they get gradually worse. The worry of these symptoms worsening can be enough to bring on intensive levels of stress in a lot of people. Now and then expectation and stress might actually make the outcome of symptoms inevitable as tension and anxiety aggravate the symptoms.
There’s medication available for IBS sufferers but most medical practitioners believe this is unnecessary and instead promote a healthy change in diet and lifestyle.
A hypnotic approach for irritable bowel syndrome can help sufferers manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle, enabling them to feel more in charge of their problems. So while hypnotherapy may not be the cure for the IBS, it could be the key to helping decrease symptoms if not eliminating them fully. A lot of the stress associated with the pain is the reason for most of the problems suffered. This means that without this particular factor the symptoms may very well be significantly diminished.
The conscious and subconscious mind are both engaged in the process of hypnosis. Our physical health impinges on our psychological health and vice versa. Hypnotherapy helps IBS sufferers to perceive a greater deal of control over their emotional and physical state, leading to a potentially radical improvement in quality of life. If you think that you’ve got irritable bowel syndrome or you are worried that you could have something more severe you should visit your GP in the first instance. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is known as a medical condition and your doctor can confirm a diagnosis.
Karen Martin, a qualified hypnotherapist who specialises in irritable bowel syndrome at her Tunbridge Wells clinic, said: “There’s a lot of clinical data supporting the effectiveness of hypnotherapy as a treatment for IBS and I have observed numerous clients achieving significant relief from the symptoms.”