If you want to dive a bit deeper into some of the issues which can be treated with hypnotherapy, have a look through Karen’s blog articles.  Topical and informative, these articles are packed with tips and strategies for dealing with the typical problems she sees daily in her busy practice.  

Friend or Foe

By Karen Martin

Given that absence makes the heart grow fonder, now is a good time to show appreciation to true friends.  Investing time and effort in maintaining these friendships pays dividends in the joy of knowing you can trust someone who appreciates your friendship as much as you do theirs.

Back to work

Now the wheels of commerce and industry have started turning again, there will be many offices, factories, shops, restaurants and bars where the doors will …

Piling on the Pounds During Lockdown

Hypnotherapy creates subconscious changes in motivation, improving impulse control and focusing on the delayed gratification of achieving a healthy, lean fit body whilst sorting out the mindless tendency we all have to be sabotaged by our emotions.

The S Word

In the long dark hours of a Spring night, a 17 year old boy takes his own life in a Tunbridge Wells park and the …