How hypnotherapy can help you stop snacking

Stop those Snack Attacks with Hypnotherapy
Our supermarkets are absolutely rammed with a smorgasbord of both sweet and savoury snacks to tempt the taste buds of every shopper.  And who, these days, doesn’t fill themselves up with one of the handy treats stacked high by the queue to pay for fuel at the filling station?

How Hypnotherapy can Help with Teenage Problems

What benefits can teenagers get from hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis helps youngsters in many different ways. Specialist hypnotic techniques are effective at tackling a number of teenage problems, improving their ability to achieve their potential so they can develop into healthy, emotionally balanced and confident adults.

Dealing with gambling

Gambling is usually a difficult habit to kick but hypnotherapy stands head and shoulders above the other therapies because it efficiently deals with the root causes supporting the addiction. What’s more, it equips the sufferer with the tools to navigate life’s problems more effectively, enabling them to feel more in control and less likely to resort to destructive gambling behaviour.

What’s Your Poison? Are you drinking too much?

Whilst it’s true that most of us are a long way off needing to take the 12 steps programme, a goodly proportion of the adult population of this country unwind at the end of the day with a glass of something and end up drinking too much alcohol.