How hypnotherapy can help you stop snacking

Stop those Snack Attacks with Hypnotherapy
Our supermarkets are absolutely rammed with a smorgasbord of both sweet and savoury snacks to tempt the taste buds of every shopper.  And who, these days, doesn’t fill themselves up with one of the handy treats stacked high by the queue to pay for fuel at the filling station?

How Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Works

Gastric band hypnotherapy reprograms your brain to perceive your stomach as being smaller so you feel full eating smaller amounts of food. The neurological effects help you change your eating behaviour without going under the knife.

Stop eating sugary food

Never before have we been given such a variety of high calorific food to pick from. Advertising for snack food reaches far and wide and shelves of sugary sweets are often sold at supermarket tills to catch you on the last leg of your shopping trip. Hypnotherapist Karen Martin said: “My local supermarket in Tunbridge Wells is expert at inspiring shoppers to over-purchase and therefore to over-consume.”